The Monero Moon (Issue 38)
The Monero Moon is a curated weekly newsletter regarding all things Monero.
Sadly, this may be the last Monero Moon issue for the time being as the Monero Moon’s CCS proposal for funding has not been approved. Thank you to all the people who have supported and donated to The Monero Moon. Further information regarding this matter can be found here. In the meantime, please enjoy this issue and with a glass of Barolo!
Development, Releases, and Technology
Monero-Bash v1.0.0 has now been released. Monero-Bash is a Linux Bash wrapper/manager for monerod, monero-wallet-cli, xmrig and p2pool. As seen in this video, you can use monero-bash to download, setup, and mine on P2Pool in under two minutes. Check out Monero-Bash v1.0.0.
eversinc33 has created an experimental client implementation for the Monero wallet RPC server in Nim. Check it out here.
unyeildinggrace has created Monerod-Proxy. Monerod-Proxy is a small HTTP proxy server intended to sit in front of a real Monerod node. Your wallet (or other app that needs a node) can talk to the proxy just as if it was talking to the node directly, but with some nice extra features. This could be handy if you want to accept XMR as payment as a merchant!
Cake Wallet have provided an update to their Monero only wallet, v1.0.5. This update features redesigns, better exchange experiences, and Monero lib update 0.17.3! Check out this post for a comprehensive overview of the update!
DarkFi Squad recently offered to help Monero move from ring signatures to trustless zk-SNARKS in the future.

Csilla Brimer shared an image of a conceptual Monero only hardware wallet.
userpc123 recently offered a precaution to avoid Minergate when mining as they’re unable to receive their XMR. Minergate has been long known to be distrusted, so if you’re into mining there are better options available here.
It is highly recommended you run a node or mine to help secure the network. You can solo mine via the official Monero GUI wallet which can be found here, or partake in pool mining and join the decentralized and permissionless P2Pool.
Cryptocurrency scientist and Bulletproofs developer Benedikt Bünz pointed out that there was a vulnerability found in the Fiat-Shamir description of Bulletproofs (it did not explicitly hash the statement), however Monero was not affected.

The Monero Observer put out a new Dev Report to provide a big picture view of Monero development activity throughout the past week. If you’re interested in the nitty gritty, check it out here.
Wanting to join the Monero Project but not sure how to contribute or where to get started? Check out The Monero Ecosystem. It’s been around a fair while now, but it “is a collection of projects maintained by members of the Monero Community… [Their] goal is to have active and high quality Monero projects in one single ecosystem, easy to browse and find.”
General News
Monero celebrates its 8th birthday on April 18th! While this is a great time to open a bottle of Barolo to celebrate, members of the Monero community are using this date to encourage others to withdraw their XMR from exchanges in a bid to increase improve privacy and restrict exchange held supplies of XMR, hoping to catch out any possible fractional reserve shenanigans carried out by dishonest exchanges. There is even a Telegram group of Monero community members supporting this movement. Monero community members claim dishonest exchanges routinely place XMR wallets or withdrawals into ‘maintenance’, and that this is a sign exchanges do not actually hold the XMR they claim they do.
The Monerotopia conference was a huge success! monerodl has provided videos and slides from the Monerotopia event if you were unable to attend. Each of the videos below are well worth the watch, so enjoy your Easter with some Monerotopia viewing.
You can also watch a post-Monerotopia chat with guests from the Monero Talk team here.
The Libertarian Party of Miami-Dade made a blog post about how Allan Tépper of TecnoTur and radio CapicúaFM was official media at the first ever MoneroTopia conference, and discussed Allan’s findings. Read more here.
Monero recently featured in a crypto news episode from Coin Bureau, a crypto content creator on YouTube with over 2 million followers. Watch it below. Monero is mentioned at 18:57.
Privacy X put out a video discussing the need for privacy in our world moving forward, and gave Monero a glowing mention. Watch it here. Discussion about Monero starts around 5:51.
LoveraTV put out a new video covering Monero’s recently weekly news in Spanish. Check it out below.
The latest issue of The Monero Standard has been published. Read it here.
germaphober shared an interesting edited together video of TV talk show host John Oliver’s change of tune over the years in regards to privacy technologies. Watch the amusing video here.
In a recent interview, popular macro investor Raoul Pal mentioned Monero as a choice for those caring about privacy. Watch a short clip of the video here. Monero is mentioned at 1:07.

CryptoAnalyst wrote a piece on Medium called The Anonymity Manifesto, declaring anonymity to be a human right we should fight for. Read the manifesto here.
The Monerokon Conference is being helding on the 18-19th of June at Arroz Studios in Lisbon, Portugal. Monerokon are also accepting presentation and workshop proposals if you want to get involved. MoneroKon is going to be a celebration of all things Monero, privacy, and financial technology, and is aiming to be THE annual meeting of privacy advocates, cypherpunks, scientists, and philosophers.
Tickets to MoneroKon are now available here on the MoneroKon website.
The next MoneroKon 2022 Planning Meeting is scheduled to take place on Saturday, April 9th 2022 at 17:00 UTC in the #monero-events IRC channel.
Monerotopia event took place in Miami last week, April 7th, and they had an amazing lineup of speakers. Check out the information in the General News on this newsletter for more information.
Guns N’ Bitcoin’s Freedom Tech Trade Show and Conference took place in Miami last week. This year they added the topic of Monero, and the conference featured talks about Monero from people such as Seth Simmons.
Exchanges and Merchants, a service that allows you to check instant exchange rates between XMR and other cryptocurrencies has recently been updated and is looking for feedback. They now have a Telegram bot, you can sign up for price movements, and they’ve added more coins and exchanges. You can find more information here.
It was reported by zetnip that instant exchange Fixed Float currently do not provide exchange services to buy XMR, you can only sell it. This is odd, and makes one wonder if exchanges truly hold as much XMR as they claim they do.
monerobull has launched if you’re in the market for Monero stickers. Check out the store here.
Coincards recently reported that XMR was the most popular coin used with their service in the USA.

Community Crowdfunding
Several crowdfunding proposals are awaiting community feedback before they can start accepting funds through the Community Crowdfunding System (CCS). For now they are just proposals, but if they receive some positive feedback from the community they will be moved to a “Funding Required” stage so that they can accept Monero donations through the CCS.
The Monero Moon have put forward another CCS proposal for funding the next 18 issues. If you enjoy reading the Monero Moon please show us some support and comment whether you support our proposal. Our previous CCS proposal from last year can be found here. Further information can be found here.
moneroist has made a proposal for Patronero - Open Source project for donating by mining. Read more about the proposal here.
CryptoGrampy submitted a CCS proposal for building out a browser-based, ephemeral, no-server Point of Sale webapp for Monero. Check out his proposal here.
Donald A. Iljazi has made a proposal to translate Monero applications, websites, and content into Greek. Check out the proposal here.
willk has put forward their CCS titled Let more people use XMR, telegram push, small transactions done in seconds, docker private deployment, provide free API service.
Midipoet is raising funds to attend the 2022 Oslo Freedom Forum - May 23-25 2022 in Oslo - and more specifically like to attend the Financial Freedom Track, in order to raise awareness and lobby for privacy focused cryptocurrency such as Monero.
m0n3r0d1c3’s CCS proposal to help launch a Monero Dice casino has been funded.
mj’s proposal to create a new project called SolOptXMR - Solar Optimal mining of XMR has been moved to funding required.
Trading & Speculation
If cryptocurrency exchanges are paper trading or naked short selling XMR, then in order to meet their obligations they may be forced to buy Monero, further creating upward pressure on price, similar to what happened with Gamestop in early 2021 in which approximately 140% of GameStop's public float had been sold short.
The XMR/USD monthly chart is beginning to look bullish. On the chart below, the yellow lines are the downtrend for XMR, and the circles are where XMR has broken out, and this just happened for a third time in three years. Previous times XMR broke out from a monthly downtrend it rallied 110% & 540% from the point of breakout.
The XMR/BTC monthly chart with moving averages is showing promising signs of upwards movement. The last time the 10 month MA crossed up over the 20 month MA was in 2016 and XMR rallied hard. It's looking primed to cross over again sometime in the next two months.
Monero has broken out of its downtrend against Ethereum on the weekly chart. You can see a clear retest which held and bounced back up over past two weeks.
Monero Matteo put out a YouTube video about Monero predicting a bullish move. Watch it here.
Total Monero in Circulation — 18,107,158 XMR
Monero Total Marketcap — $4,276,342,651
Coinmarketcap Ranking — #34
XMR/USD Price — $235 USD
XMR/BTC Price — 0.00572 BTC Street Price — $244 USD
Average Transaction Fee — 0.00014 XMR ($0.03)
Hashrate — 3.067 Ghash/s
Monero Mining Pools Hashrate Distribution —
This week’s entertainment comes in a special edition in honor of the XM-ARGHHH-PIRATE.
If you like the newsletter and want more of this content, then shout me a round of beers by donating some spare Monero you didn’t lose during your boating accident.
Support Monero
Want to help contribute to the Monero Project? Developers, marketers, event coordinators, translators, Instagram personalities, meme creators, public speakers — whatever your skills may be, it is extremely likely there is something you can do to assist. I urge you to reach out to the Monero community on Reddit, IRC, GitHub, Twitter, or Telegram. The official Monero website is
Past Issues
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If you have any suggestions, corrections, or feedback, please contact me on Twitter @johnfoss69 or on Reddit u/johnfoss68.
DISCLAIMER: This publication contains opinion for informational purposes only and does not constitute investment advice. Information may contain errors and omissions. Use solely at your own risk. The author of this publication and/or the authors of articles linked to from this site may have financial investments that may bias their opinions, including ownership of Monero currency. Always do your own research, form your own opinions, and never take risks with money or trust third parties with out verifying their credibility.